Booking Terms

Mess Events Ltd will hereby be referred to as the "Organiser", which means the person who
makes the booking on your behalf and who will be our point of contact (and any substitute
for that person). "You" , "Your" and ‘party’ in these booking terms means all persons (or any
of them including the Organiser) named on the booking (and persons added or substituted at a
later date). "We"; "Us" and "Our; means Mess Events Ltd.

Mess Events Ltd - Our Agreement
These booking conditions apply to bookings made for activities taking place in the UK only.
They, our privacy policy, our website terms and conditions of use, and any other written
information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking form the basis of
your contract with us for the arrangements making up your booking (your ‘arrangements’).
Please read all that information carefully as it sets out the scope of our agreement as well as
our respective rights and obligations. By making a booking, you agree to be bound by all of

The key terms of our agreement:-
1. You will enter into a binding contract with us when we confirm to you that your event
is booked in a confirmation email. If you then cancel your arrangements, you will be
required to pay cancellation charges. Initially this will be the deposit you paid to
secure your arrangements, but after you’ve paid the balance of the price of your
arrangements, there will be no refunds for cancellations;
2. You can make changes to your confirmed arrangements in certain circumstances.
3. We may make changes to and cancel your confirmed arrangements
4. Some of our arrangements involve physical exertion and/or risk.
5. We are responsible for making sure your confirmed package arrangements are not
performed negligently but there are some limits on and exceptions to this, and you
must always report any dissatisfaction to us as soon as you can.

Accuracy of information and booking errors
We endeavour to ensure the accuracy of all the information and prices in our advertising
material. However, occasionally changes and errors do arise and we reserve the right to
correct them in such circumstances. You must check the current price and all other
information relating to the arrangements that you wish to book before your booking is
confirmed. We will not be liable for booking errors which are attributable to you or which are
caused by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances.

All website descriptions are made in good faith and every care is taken to ensure their
accuracy. However, errors may occasionally occur. We cannot accept any liability for any
errors or omissions except where these have arisen due to our negligence or that of any our
employees (as long as they were acting in the course of their employment at the time). While
we provide product images to give a close representation of the product, we reserve the right
to use images that may not be of the exact product itself.

We can only accept bookings if the Organiser is a minimum of 18 years old. Organiser will
be liable for payment of all amounts due in relation to the whole booking.

Making a Booking
When you ask us to make your booking, we will ask the Organiser to make a non-refundable,
non-transferable deposit or full payment as applicable. At this point we will then confirm
your booking by sending you a confirmation email at which point a binding contract between
you and us will come into existence. It may not be possible to make changes to your
arrangements later so you should notify us of any inaccuracies as soon as possible after
confirmation. It may harm your rights if you don’t.

Payments of Amounts Due Deposit
When you make a booking, the Organiser must pay an initial non-refundable, non-
transferable deposit of £100.00. The total cost of your booking is due a minimum of 28 days
prior to your booking date.

It is a condition of our agreement that you are covered by adequate insurance for your
arrangements. Such insurance as a minimum must cover your losses sustained as a result of
cancellation, medical issues, and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. You must
ensure that the policy you purchase is suitable for your confirmed arrangements including
any hazardous activities. Many policies do not cover such activities so you must check the
small print before purchasing and if in doubt, check with the insurers that you will be
covered. You must also ensure that your insurance covers participation in any hazardous
activities which do not form part of your arrangements. If you choose to participate without
adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any of your losses howsoever arising, in
respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

The price you pay
We reserve the right to amend the price of unsold arrangements at any time and correct errors
in the prices of confirmed arrangements. Once you have made a booking then subject to other
clauses in these terms and conditions, the price will not change. However, we may change the
price where there has been a change to the details of the original booking that affects its
overall price.

Changes and cancellations by you
If you wish to make any changes to your arrangements after they have been confirmed,
including if you wish to cancel all or some of them, you must inform us in writing as soon as
possible. Your notice requesting a change or cancellation will only take effect when it is
received in writing by us at our offices and will be effective from the date on which we
receive it. We can’t guarantee that changes can be met, although we will do our best to assist.
Since we incur costs in cancelling or changing your arrangements, all such changes and
cancellations will be subject to charges. Where we are unable to assist with making a
requested change, and you do not wish to proceed with the original booking we will treat this
as a cancellation by you.

Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances

Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions we will not be liable or
pay you compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by unavoidable and
extraordinary circumstances which we or the supplier(s) of the service(s) in question could
not avoid even taking all reasonable measures. These events can include, but are not limited
to war, threat of war, civil strife terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such
activity, riot, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or
river authorities, industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or
biological disaster and adverse weather, sea, ice and river conditions and all similar events
outside our or the supplier(s) control.

If you experience difficulty whilst away or perceive that your arrangements do not conform
to those you have booked, please inform us with undue delay so that we can take steps to
assist you to put things right. Please send formal written notice of your complaint to - You must email this to us within 28 days of the end of your
arrangements, giving your booking reference and all other relevant information. Failure to
follow the procedure set out in this clause may affect ours and the applicable supplier’s
ability to investigate your complaint, and could affect your rights under our agreement.
Your behaviour

If in our reasonable belief or opinion or in the reasonable belief or opinion of any person in authority, your behaviour is jeopardising the safety of people or property; or is causing or is
likely to cause distress, danger, damage or annoyance to any third party or property, or to cause a delay or diversion to transportation, we reserve the right to terminate your
arrangements immediately. In the event of such termination our responsibilities to you will cease and you will be required to leave your accommodation or other service immediately.
We will have no further obligations to you and will not meet any expenses, costs or losses incurred as a result. You may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your
actions directly to the applicable supplier prior to departure from the service. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims and costs subsequently made against us as a result.

You agree to ensure that all members of the party comply with all timetables of the events.
Failure to keep to the timetables may result in either discontinuation of the event or
cancellation of the said event. We will not be liable for any refund, compensation or any
costs that may be incurred by you. You agree to ensure that all members of the party act at all
times in a safe responsible manner and comply with all safety procedures, listen and be
present at all safety and information briefings which are relevant to the arrangements booked,
make supervisors or any persons in authority immediately aware of any equipment or site
deficiencies or concerns, dress suitably for any event as advised by any supplier(s) and
observe and obey all laws, requests, conditions of use and other requirements of any
supplier(s), including accommodation and entertainment venues. Many events and activities require a high level of concentration and the use of alcohol or drugs or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs whilst participating in such events is strictly forbidden. If you or any member of your party have, in the reasonable opinion of any supplier(s), been using drink or drugs or fail to act in a safe responsible manner, they reserve the right to cancel your
participation forthwith. In this event we will not be liable to pay you any refund, compensation or any costs / expenses incurred by you.